To the mistakes i wont make next year:

I learnt this year:

That love exists in general care,

Hope exists if you choose to believe in it.

Beauty exists as a state of mind or as perspective of the eye,

Truth lies in the depth of fabricated lies,

And trust is the gradual bond that leads to heartbreaks,

But true power doesn’t exist in denial,

But it is in being vulnerable to changes.

Humanity exists in kindness,

And most importantly reality exists in rationality.

I have realised this year that

Being less alone,

doesn’t necessarily make you feel less lonely.

And having a bunch of selfies,

Doest really count as memories.

So just cherish the people,

Who once choose to believe in you.

-True girl

Colours of a Rubixs cube

We have it all in us!

The dark deep sea blues,

shades and unique hues.

The crimson red,

the bright sun blaze and calm tree shed.

We have blank whites,

those that lead to tough,hysterical nights.

The bottomless blacks,

ones you dread you would ever make your way back.

The bright greens,

the extremes and screams.

The soft pink,

the corners that link.

The lily yellow,

when you giggle with that vibrant laugh,

when you are shy and mellow.

Juicy oranges,

times when you just want to spill paint and play with sponges.

And then there are greys,

when you are in your neither accurate nor lousy phase.

We are more than just “VIBGYOR”,

You just don’t see,

you are shades you fathom for.

feelings hurt

at nights like today

i just feel my heart drenching

hafting for breath

under the burden of ure wrath

its tragic

how one can annihilate the one

he loved so dearly

the one he protected

the one he cared for

he harmed

by those words

sharper than a blade

heavier than a rock

it hurts i said

i am sorry for wat i did or didnt do

but i cant fight with you

not anymore

not when it mean i hurt you

the same way u hurt me

God bless that stupid brain of yours

darling you cant afford to loose my friendship

and i bet you will dread my rivalry

coz if ure my enemy

oh how i pitty you

i laugh at your pain

i smirk when you drain

a pawn doesnt fight with the queen alone

thinking both can move equally

coz a pawn can only cross you like a traitor

but the queen can chop u from every damn angle just coz she wishes

and remember there are 7 more like you

so who will remember you bitch

but there is only one of me

you think you are blue blood

oh sorry you didn’t quite catch the reference right

you think you are royalty (better now?)

but remember i made you one

you cant click pictures without a filter

so why do you think ure kendall jenner

oh dang! i got it coz u have pimples

you think u r sassy

well girl matter of fact u r pretty nasty


No you’re not allowed to do that

you can’t tutor me on math

i mean for once you thought you knew something i actually didn’t know

and you were so keen and confident in explaining it to me me

that i couldn’t say i knew it

but it’s not my fault that i didn’t want to see those stupid x cubes and algebra in front of your beautiful hazel eyes

my mind always opts for your face or your eyes and even your hand i mean it CHOOSES you

and secondly you are cute but also pathetic at math

the sum you were trying to explain was done wrong

how do u do that?

i love the way you smile at me from across the ground while talking to your friends

actually you totally neglect them when you see me

u say my pimple makes me look hotter

now can you be any more cuter

how can you make me feel proud of a thing i am insecure about

“how can i not love you!” i shout

damn boy u shud not be allowed to wear that black leather jacket

or that smirk u flaunt when my friends call u hot

yes my brain rots

when they say that

you are only mine i hope they get it when i say that

its easy!

me :thank you

he :for what?

me :for making my day better during these shitty examinations

he :the pleasure is all mine anyway how many did ya get in science

me :mm 75 on 80

he :and dats when madame hates science

me :shut up you know i hate it

he :i wonder what would you do when you love things

me :you dont need to wonder its simple i do you

Why me?

you wanna break me

unleash hell

what is so attractive inside me that you are beaten to the extent that u make me slit my wrist

a pool of blood flows out

it aint yours

it aint even mine

it is just the fury that was buried inside

you want me to burst into a million pieces

you wish you could shred me like wood

burn me like paper

and smoke me like ashes

what so seductive about my blood

that you lust for every single drop of it

what so bewitching about my pain

that u admire every one of my tear drop

are you my own haunted imagination

or are you an agent of satan

Its a Sweep-stake darling

i don’t know why

i gave u control over my life and me

they warned me,

you break trust everywhere you go

i depended on you for my low delicate times

i depended on you at days i wanted to act cute and wanted to feel loved

but i was a fool to think you were hard wood

boy you were a thin plastic just for temporary use

you flew away with the wind,got tore with fragile hands

boy u think you’re e strong you’re popular

just being with a daisy aint enough to make you less of a wallflower

you are predictable,obvious just like u always were

suddenly why do you think you are better

you expect a hell lot of which u aint capable of

i m sorry but at the end its just a riff off

Fakin it till i can

i say i hate you to people about whom i care

i love u to ppl i don’t give a shit about

i have become so good at faking a bright smile

that ppl forget i cry

i hide secrets,i lie too good

i guess thats the reason ppl think m alway in my best mood

i feel jealous of ppl i shoudnt

i mean what if ure my boy

but she is gonna be ure forever girl anyway

i become a red tomato when she hugs you

i am sorry for d infinity abuses she gets when she kisses you

(actually m not sorry, she’s a bitch)

No i wont admit it that i care

coz i am scared if i tell you what i feel

you will tell me it is not for real